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Instant Recess PDF Download

Instant Recess PDF
By:Antronette K. Yancey,Toni Yancey
Published on 2010 by Univ of California Press

|Toni Yancey's book is a terrific tool as we work together to promote healthy and active lifestyles.|--Bill Clinton |Instant Recess is a call to all of us to get up and move. Part personal memoir, part public health manifesto, and part poetry, Yancey's warmth and enthusiasm shine through this book. I'm betting that she can convince anyone that moving more is not only good for health, but easy and lots of fun to do.|--Marion Nestle, author of What to Eat |In Instant Recess, Dr. Yancey provides the tools to get America moving, in a very accessible style with the scientific research to back it up. Her call to incorporate short exercise breaks into routine, daily activities is one step that can create a true wellness society.|--Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA), Chairman, Senate HELP Committee |Dr. Toni (Antronette) Yancey has influenced and impacted community health and fitness in a number of profound ways! Her book is a must read for anyone interested in living a longer, healthier, and more fulfilling life. Recently, at the First AME Church of Los Angeles, we incorporated a quick but effective fitness interlude into all three of our Sunday worship services. The enthusiastic response from our congregation was tremendous! Thank you, Dr. Yancey, for waking us up to the dangers of our sedentary lives and for awakening our desire to get into better physical shape.|--Rev. Dr. John & Denise Hunter, Pastor and First Lady of First AME Church of Los Angeles, the White House-designated local lead agency for Michelle Obama's Let's Move LA |Instant Recess is a necessary part of a complex solution to our society's epidemic of inactivity. It can work equally well in the corporate boardroom, school classroom, or for fans at a sporting event for that matter. It is a great place to start if we don't want to leave anyone behind. I'm all for breaking our national inertia with a musical beat and a smile on our faces.|--Dave Winfield, National Baseball Hall of Fame 2001, Executive Vice President and Senior Advisor, San Diego Padres |Dr. Yancey writes on a topic about which she is both passionate and knowledgeable. Doable in just about any setting, Instant Recess could get America moving again.|--David Satcher, M.D., Ph.D., 16th Surgeon General of the United States |Instant Recess is an excellent, easy to read, informative book describing how we must all change our lifestyle patterns and incorporate activity into our day. Yancey poignantly shows why 'instant recesses' are needed by corporate Americans, educators, public health and medical professionals. This isn't just a simple how-to book, but also a how-come.|--Francine Kaufman, Head of the Center for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism at Childrens Hospital Los Angeles |For the average person who continues to yo-yo between the hype of miracle weight loss gimmicks and the allure of fast food franchises, Instant Recess offers an easy and free solution to creating a healthier lifestyle.|--Sharon Baucom, Medical Director of the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services for the State of Maryland |A thoughtful and innovative approach to community-wide physical activity from a lay person's perspective. This book is well grounded in scientific evidence that is also contextualized in simple examples and in real life experiences people will be able to relate to.|--Adrian Bauman, University of Sydney |I've seen everyone from curmudgeonly researchers and uptight bureaucrats to former elite athletes to avowed non-exercisers sucked in by the warm, inclusive energy and ease of her approach to getting people physically active. Most are smiling, some outright laughing as they rediscover the joy of moving. Thankfully, Toni captures the essence of that joy in her book, along with the practical guidance necessary to help anyone start making physical activity a part of their life and their community again.|--Mark Fenton, PBS television host and author of The Complete Guide to Walking for Health, Weight Loss, and Fitness |I read Instant Recess and couldn't help but jump for joy. Dr. Yancey's got the recipe for success to help turn around the epidemic of inactivity in our country. Finally we have a book that shows Americans how to build that strong base of fitness, 10 minutes of hip hopping at a time. Now, if you'll excuse me. It's time for me to take my Instant Recess.|--Pam Peeke MD, MPH, FACP, author of Body for Life for Women, Chief Medical Correspondent for Nutrition and Fitness, Discovery Health TV |Through the San Diego Padres organization we've worked with Dr. Toni Yancey for nearly 4 years on various healthy eating and fitness related projects ... Dr. Yancey is an educated, dynamic, trusted and respected colleague who has a thorough knowledge of public health issues. Her knowledge, advocacy and connection to community service organizations across the country has been key. She's recruited a great number of them to enter the fight against childhood obesity by offering a wide variety of active lifestyles options. Influencing America to move towards healthy eating, better nutrition, and into her activity routine called Instant Recess is a significant and continuous task ... It's a pleasure working with this former collegiate athlete, Ph.D. and public servant. We need more people like Dr. Toni Yancey combatting this nationwide health crisis.|--David Winfield, member of the Baseball Hall of Fame, and Co-Director at UCLA Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Equity

This Book was ranked at 40 by Google Books for keyword children's education policies lic.

Book ID of Instant Recess's Books is PPrbqJyBXZ0C, Book which was written byAntronette K. Yancey,Toni Yanceyhave ETAG "ZYwh7+t25gg"

Book which was published by Univ of California Press since 2010 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780520263758 and ISBN 10 Code is 0520263758

Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is true

Book which have "263 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryMedical

Book was written in en

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